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Spring 2025 Newsletter

WELCOME! An inspiring, colorful, and fantastic dimension of Silver City, New Mexico

Take a tour of a unique community in southwest New Mexico that is home to a diverse assemblage of community-based murals.

Youth Mural Project Supporters

A BIG, BIG “THANK YOU” to all the folks who helped with the transition of the Youth Mural Program from the Mimbres Region Arts Council into its own entity.

Civic Organizations: Town of Silver City, Aldo Leopold Youth Conservation Corps, Rainbow Lizard, Grant County Community Foundation, the 30Something Group, SWAG, Western New Mexico University, South West Audubon Society, Silver City Art Association, and Mimbres Region Arts Council.

Supporting Businesses: SYZYGY Tileworks, Hacienda Realty, Cissy McAndrew (United Country Mimbres Realty), Finishing Touch, and Silver City Food Coop

Supporting Individuals: Susie Coe Brown, Susan & David Berry, John Margerum & Karen Melton, Dolores Martin, Marie Daniels, Sudie Kennedy & Carl Ruhne, Jay & Siah Corea Hemphill, Barbara & Ron Gabioud, Joanne Isaac, Kathryn & Kevin Brunk, Faye McCalmont, Sharyn McDonald, Patricia Leff, Robert & Marie Martin, Barrett Brewer, John Abel, Jr. and many more…

Special thanks to: Paul Hotvedt, Leela Landress Perez, Tasha Cooper, Daniel Arrey (Grant County Planning & Mapping Dept), Vicki Johnson, Peggy Hutchinson, Senator Siah Corea Hemphill, and especially to the 30Something Group.